Mischievous Mutt: A Newly Rescued Stray Dog’s Surprising Trick Caught on Camera.

At first, Belle Bermúdez was surprised when a lady motioned for her to approach. But to her surprise, she found a scruffy dog tucked away in some shrubs upon arriving. The woman asked if Bermúdez knew the dog, but it was apparent that the animal was in need of help. Therefore, Bermúdez made up her mind to lend a hand, and she called the dog Swiftie from then on.

Bermúdez recounted that Swiftie had a mane of hair that was so tangled it covered her eyes. When he first tried to approach her, she sprinted up a hill, but he was able to capture her with a leash borrowed from his neighbor. Although he caught her, Swiftie remained terrified and wouldn’t eat, drink, or budge whenever someone was nearby.

Bermúdez checked Swiftie for a microchip, but unfortunately she didn’t find any. So, she brought her home and asked a friend who knows about dogs to help clean and groom her. During this process, they discovered something surprising about Swiftie- she was pregnant! It was a big secret that they didn’t expect to find.

Bermúdez and her companion were hesitant about what actions to take after finding out that Swiftie was pregnant. After some consideration, they concluded that it would be best to take her to a rescue center with more knowledge and experience to ensure the safety of both her and her litter. Bermúdez stated that she planned to bring Swiftie to the facility as soon as the doors opened at 10 a.m. the following day.

The next day, Bermúdez noticed some unusual activity on the camera they had set up to monitor Swiftie. Upon investigation, she found that Swiftie had started delivering her puppies. Though she was initially panicked, Bermúdez quickly sprang into action and took on the role of a nurturing mother, bringing towels and calling a friend for help. The friend arrived just in time to assist with the delivery of the third and fourth puppies, making sure they were cleaned up and nursed by their mother. In the end, Swiftie gave birth to seven adorable puppies with unique names like Traffic Light, Lover, Augustine, Lavender, Haze, Cowboy, and Saturn. Although Bermúdez had initially planned to take them all to a rescue center, she and her family grew too attached to the pups and decided to keep them.

Bermúdez had originally intended to keep the adorable little creatures for a short period of time, just until Swiftie had recovered from giving birth. However, when she noticed that the newborns were losing weight, she made the decision to give them formula and Nutrical to help them regain their strength. This caused her to extend their stay to approximately a week, until they had all stabilized and were healthy once again. Over time, Bermúdez and her spouse grew more invested in ensuring the wellbeing and growth of the tiny animals. They eventually decided to foster them for a duration of eight weeks, with the goal of finding them permanent, loving homes to thrive in.

Swiftie, the dog that was initially apprehensive and hesitant, is now gaining more confidence with each passing day. Her transformation is bringing joy to Bermúdez and her family as they see her regaining trust in people. Even though Bermúdez did not plan on taking eight dogs home that day, she now values the experience and wouldn’t trade it for anything else.