Phoebe’s Redemption: Transforming from Pain and Isolation to Wellness and Belonging

Is she a combination of different colors, a calico, a tortoiseshell, or a blend of all? We can’t say for sure, but one thing is clear: this adorable two-faced cat is simply precious!

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Phoebe, the small kitten, was found in a cardboard box, abandoned and injured, in North Philadelphia. Luckily, compassionate individuals quickly came to her aid. Recognizing her dire condition, they promptly brought her to the shelter at ACCT Philly, where Erica, a skilled veterinary technician in the surgery unit, took charge of her care.

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During our chat with Erica from We Love Cats and Kittens, we discovered that the tiny cat’s paw had a buildup of crust and pus, indicating a wound that may have been present even before her birth. Erica suggested that it could be a strangulation wound caused by the umbilical cord wrapping around the limb while in the womb.

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After removing the crust and examining the healthy tissue and good blood flow in Phoebe’s toes, it was evident that she required someone to care for her in the shelter due to her vulnerable condition.

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Despite the potential for her hind paw to be lost, she needed a foster home and someone to care for her attentively. Erica, a cat sitter and rescuer of kittens, came to the rescue. She decided to look after the tiny animal. “I wasn’t planning on adopting a kitten that day. I think destiny had a hand in it,” she reflects.

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Snuggled up in a comfortable spot with plenty of cozy blankets and fun new toys, Phoebe quickly began to flourish. Before long, she was eagerly seeking out Erica for some love and attention, never taking no for an answer. Even with her injured leg, nothing could stop her from happily trotting around and checking out all the new sights around her.

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The little kitten was thoroughly enjoying her meals and putting on some extra pounds each day, which was a clear sign that she was improving.

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Prior to long, her injured paw began to heal and new fur started to sprout.

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After a few weeks had passed, Phoebe was well on her way to full recovery. Although her paw still showed signs of being slightly twisted, it might pose problems in the future. However, at the moment, she moves around with ease and energy, climbing and running like a true champion!

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Erica, a member of the We Love Cats and Kittens community, shared how much her beloved furry companion enjoys playing. Every day when she comes home, Phoebe is bursting with energy and eager to participate in some playtime! Despite her small stature, Phoebe’s strong will and determination make up for her petite size.

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Eгіϲа relies on her experienced helpers to take care of Phoebe: her two male feline companions, Sіоаnе and Forest, are eager to assist! Forest is particularly attentive as a foster parent and has a gentle touch with small kittens, so he welcomed Phoebe with open arms. Phoebe is thrilled to have a loving big brother to cuddle with!

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Sloan demonstrates incredible patience with his younger sister, always willing to assist with cleaning and looking after her. He doesn’t mind sharing his favorite toys with Phoebe at all. Despite Phoebe’s teething habits and tendency to climb all over him, Sloan remains calm and collected, showing the patience of a saint. After all, he’s at a bit of a disadvantage in the teeth department compared to his little sister!

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Phoebe tends to claim every toy as her own, but her older brothers don’t seem to mind.

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This adorable little kitten is living her best life, thriving with the love and care she receives and developing a unique personality. It’s astonishing to think that she had a rough start in life with a serious injury, considering how energetic and playful she is now.

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Erica mentioned that her injury has completely healed and the swelling has reduced. Although there may be a faint scar that may not grow hair, it remains uncertain. Despite her imperfect gait, it doesn’t stop her at all – she continues to run, jump, and climb without any noticeable hindrance.

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Phoebe used to feel hurt, homeless, and very alone. But now, she has a foster mother, two fluffy brothers, and a mountain of toys that she never could have imagined! Click on the video link to catch a glimpse of Phoebe in all her newfound joy.

Big thanks to Erica for letting us in on Phoebe’s journey. Be sure to follow more of Phoebe and Erica’s other foster animals on Instagram.